Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Lucky Day!

Wow, I’m excited about this new endeavor!  I have so many things that I want to share, many things to learn, pictures to take and words to write down! 

I work directly across the street from a wonderful home decor consignment shop, Past Perfect Boutique.  I was being good today and brought lunch from home but after I had eaten my delicious sandwich, I had this tremendous urge to get out of the office, at least for a few minutes, just to break up the day.   I decided to venture across the street to the boutique.  There is a beautiful antique twin bed there that I have eye-balled for awhile.  I have absolutely no need whatsoever for a twin bed so I could not justify buying it even though it always catches my eye.  Well….today the first thing I saw when I walked through the door was an antique, full sized, wooden spindle bed!  OMGoodness!  Of course I’m looking all over it for the price tag (nowhere to be found) so I asked the owner, Darla, if there was a tag for it.  She said she was holding it for someone.  L  BUT…she said she would call her...…no answer, had to leave a voicemail.  I continue perusing the store and the woman called to say that she was not going to take it so ……  guess what I am picking up after work!  I am SO excited.  I may have to take it home over the course of two days because I’m not sure how I’ll get the headboard, footboard and both side rails in my car at one time!  (This could be interesting.)  Then I will have to get it set up, measure for slats, go to the hardware store to have slats cut, go home and put them on, put the mattresses back on and dress the bed.  Again, this could take awhile!  The good thing is I’ll get some deep cleaning done while the current bed is out of the room!  I will keep you posted. (no pun intended!)

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